Friday, November 5, 2010

God of War: Ghost of Sparta Review!

Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: Ready At Dawn Studios
# of Players: 1 player
Platforms: PSP
Genre: Action, Adventure, Platformer
Release Date: November 2, 2010
ESRB: M-Mature (Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content)

Mean As Hell Rating

They say that big bangs come in small packages! That is truly an understatement of epic proportions with God of War: Ghost of Sparta! Ready At Dawn Studios went all out for this one, and it shows. A lot of games tend to describe themselves as epic, bigger than life. This is a game that is epic in every sense of the word. I know what you're thinking; "It's on the PSP, it's too small, the game is too short!" I say nay! Like Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker that came before it... this game is bigger and better than a good amount of titles on the home consoles.

GOW: Ghost of Sparta doesn't pull any punches in it's visual presentation or sharp controls. It is an awesome technical acheivement that gives it's PS2 predecessors a run for their money. It is almost a shame that such a grand entry in the GOW series is on such a small screen. The action can get so chaotic at times that you can lose sight of ole Kratos. And some aspects of the controls can cause moments of frustration, but they are few and far between.

Kratos is not an overly simple character, but neither is he very complex. Nevertheless, his nature and unique bond to his family is what connects every game in the GOW series together. What is different about this game is that it explores a  family member we haven't seen before... his brother Deimos. And where has Deimos been this whole time? Why the underworld of course. The details are fleshed out well enough but the tale does seem somewhat condensed compared to console interations.

Ghost of Sparta is still very much a GOW game and never plays like a demo. It has awesome locals, QTE seqences, and even the infamous sex game! Who cares if the quest is linear; aren't all GOW games?! If you didn't like it before then you probably won't like it now. But if you have stuck around from the beginning than you have some sembalence of what to expect and you can bring a cup to catch the saliva from being in awe of the consistancy of greatness that is God of War: Ghost of Sparta.

1 comment:

  1. Not bad, looking forward to more awesome reviews!
