Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive?!

I have to admit that I was surprised at this one. But I am in no way mad or upset. And neither should you. Apparently; (and this could turn out to be only half the truth) Sega dropped the game and decided it would focus only on core franchises. If this is factual, it would bring rhyme to reason why Nintendo would ride in and save the game while also securing an exclusive title. Sounds like game to me.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Mean As Hell Is coming back!!!

Yeah I got lazy! I got caught up! I got jokes! But I didn't forget and I'm back to blogging and putting up reviews on games and movies. Who cares if you like it or not! It's like sex with Kobe Bryant; it's gonna happen.