Sunday, February 27, 2011
Finally, for the first time... Red Robin! What a treat!
Mean As Hell Rating: 10/10
One of the reasons why I can't do as many reviews as I should be doing is because I still have a regular job and I enjoy eating out from time to time. Recently (after much planning) I had the honor of going to a Red Robin over the weekend and I must say it was worth every delicious bite! "Yumm" is most defiantly the word! When most people hear the words gourmet or burger, they probably don't equate the two with each other. But I am here to tell you that if there was ever a match made in heaven it is at Red Robin. And it's not just the burgers that are enticing, there's a whole smorgasbord of hot favorites! For me there's the Towering Onion Rings, Whiskey River BBQ Chicken Sandwich, Classic Creamy Mac n Cheese, Grilled Chicken Alla Caprese, I could go on and on! Don't even get me started on Bottomless Steak Fries (you heard me)! There's a superb kids menu that is sure to satisfy the little ones and even a few dessert choices. I more or less kept it simple and went with the Bacon Cheeseburger and I was not disappointed. Hey, it was my first time so I decided to take it easy. Regardless of my safe choice of consumption; I really enjoyed Red Robin. The staff were very friendly, the atmosphere let nothing to be desired and the menu made me wish I had a "bottomless" stomach to suffice all that was offered. I will be back, count on it! On that note; I leave you with the proverbial send off... Yumm!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Killzone 3 Helghast Edition: Is it worth it?
What's going on fellow gamers?! Have you been enjoying Killzone 3? I'm sure a lot of you have, particularly the standard version. There are a few of us (myself included) that got the Helghast Edition and may be wondering if it was money well spent. Well, I speak for myself when I say that gaming is very expensive. For most games that get released you can expect to pay at least $60. Paying more than double that for a special edition may be asking for too much; I mean aren't we still in a recession?! Alas; there are some hardcore gamers out there (myself included) that can justify the said purchase as long as it is not a total piece of crap. For the little gamer fan inside it was worth it. Yet still I would recommend anyone to choose sparingly because it seems as if every publisher is on the special edition bandwagon. I mean sure they try to spruce it up by renaming it or not just calling it a special edition. inFAMOUS 2 has the "Hero" Edition, wow. Set to cost around $100. Duke Nukem Forever has the "Balls of Steel" Edition for a $100, I love it! Might actually get that one for the name alone... seriously, just do your homework people. No need to spend the extra cash if all you really care about is playing the game, special editions are really geared towards collectors. Game on!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Cool but Corny... Killzone 3 Helghast Edition: First Unboxing Video
What's up fellow gamers?! Happy Sunday! I hope your weekend has been awesome thus far! Anyways... are you ready for some Killzone 3?! I don't think you are but you better prove me wrong, because the game comes out this Tuesday (Feb 22, 2011) and it looks like tight work! To help you guys get prepared Guerrilla Games and Sony are giving us a cool Helghast Edition! I think I told you this before... whatever, it looks tight and if anyone knows me they know that I love worthwhile Special Editions! But hey don't take my word for it...
Inside the Killzone 3 Helghast Edition, you’ll find:
Get it while it's hot fellow gamers!
Inside the Killzone 3 Helghast Edition, you’ll find:
- Killzone 3 on Blu-ray Disc
- Exclusive art book featuring imagery from the Killzone universe
- Super Voucher, which provides:
- Killzone 3 soundtrack and PS3 Dynamic Theme
- Retro Map Pack featuring two of the most popular multiplayer maps from Killzone 2
- Double XP for the first 24 hours of multiplayer gameplay
- Full access to all weapons and abilities during the first 24 hours of multiplayer gameplay
- Authentic Helghast Helmet replica, which opens to reveal the art book, Super Voucher and Killzone 3 game.
- Exclusive Cloaking Helghast Marksman action figure by DC Unlimited, which is 6.5” tall with multiple articulation points. It won’t be sold at retail!
- Bonus video content giving you a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the game.
Get it while it's hot fellow gamers!
Friday, February 18, 2011
New Thor trailer shows a god that is more down to earth...
Ok I know I have not posted next to nothing about the new Thor movie (or anything movie related in awhile), but I am still pretty excited about how good this movie is shaping up to be. This new trailer just has me sweating in more anticipation! Check it!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Dead Island trailer will leave your jaw on the floor!
I remember when I first heard about Techland's Dead Island back in 2009; I didn't think much of it. I pretty much summed it up as another Left for Dead type game. And it didn't help that the game all but vanished from my radar. Silly me! The game now has an actual publishing partner in Deep Silver and an incredible trailer that will make you so psyched for it, you'll eat your own kin! Ok maybe not but it has to be seen with your own eyes. It could be one of the best trailers for any medium (games, movies, television etc) that I've seen this year so far!
IGN's was the one that released the details, so kudos to them. The details we have so far regarding the game is that Dead Island is a "first person zombie-slasher/action-RPG," set in the Royal Palms Resort in Papua New Guinea. Your only goal is to escape, and to kill a bunch of zombies along the way! Sound like a party to me!
The game is scheduled for 2011 release (yes!) PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Stay tuned for more news and enjoy the show! I did!
Mass Effect 2
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Bioware
# of Players: 1 player
Platforms: PS3
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Release Date: January 18, 2011
ESERB: M-Mature (Blood, Drug Reference, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence)
Mean As Hell Rating
Rejoice PS3 owners! Good things come to those that wait! The best version of Mass Effect 2 is all yours! Ok maybe that was a little too fanboyish, but it goes without saying that not too many gamers saw this coming... especially 360 owners. It was released a year ago on the 360 and PC, now it is on the PS3 and improved to boot! Those gamers that only pay attention to the PS3 radar may be somewhat confused as to when the original Mass Effect came out and why you didn't get your sweaty palms on it. Fact is; it never came out on the PS3. The series first entry came "only" to the Xbox 360 and the PC. And since Microsoft published the game, PS3 owners will never see it on their console. That's the bad news; good news is that Mass Effect 2 is on the PS3 and it is bigger and better than it's predecessor in every way.
I know how you guys feel; it's the 2nd entry to series and you're just jumping on, almost like walking into a movie mid reel. But let me tell you this; Bioware has more than delivered on their end. They have given us an awesome package that makes you forget about skipping the first title. It is also worth mentioning that the original Mass Effect is a totally different game next to Mass Effect 2, so in gameplay terms you're getting a richer experience right off the bat. And while Mass Effect 2 is a story driven medium directly related to the original title, you get a much needed recap of prior events. It is an interactive comic that explains the story of the first game and lets you make choices that will affect your playthrough of the sequel. Add that with fact that Mass Effect 2 on the PS3 comes with a load of DLC extras and even an enhanced game engine and it is pretty clear that: Mass Effect 2 on the Playstation 3 is best most complete version of the game yet! I will say however that it is in your best interest to purchase this game new to get the unique DLC content because it is'nt on the disc. Buy it used if you want, but be ready to pony up $15 for the DLC. The good news is that the DLC includes other content that was released for the 360 and PC.
When Mass Effect 2 starts, it's as serious as a heart attack. You get to watch the destruction of your ship and the apparent demise of Shepard. And just as you start to get used to all the death and destruction the interactive comic book I was talking about earlier kicks in. It is very colorful too I might add. I'm sure no one could think of a better way to explain what came before (short of playing Mass Effect), but it is not a complete document of events that transpired in Mass Effect. Basically what I'm saying is; when the time comes for you (as Shepard) to make those tough life or death decisions that you have to make in Mass Effect, you really don't have substantial enough information. But hey, if you want the full experience; go play Mass Effect!
What about the story you say? Let me put it this way; the story is like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his body building days... on steroids! It was the focal point of the original and is like butter in the sequel! You have good/evil split going for character development, the conversations have extra spice and it actually gets better as you progress in the game. In this game; you are Shepard. You own him! I know it sounds like slavery but in the game it works beautifully. You're the captain! You have some tough decisions to make! Don't worry, chances are you'll like the end result. Case in point; during a cut scene there will be a prompt to pull a trigger for Paragon (good) or Renegade (evil) action appears at the bottom of the screen. If you activate it you'll see a dramatic sequence, like punching someone or kicking them out of a ship for not having their ticket. Just kidding bout the last part; but it is awesome to have the options for actions that push the game beyond that standard RPG fare.
Mass Effect 2 seems to be the end result of different genres artfully thrown into a bowl. On one note it's a third person shooter, on the other it's an RPG with sandbox sensibilities. I personally liked the battles. they played out as a typical cover based shooter. You can slide into cover nice and smooth, as is popping in and out to take shots at your variety of enemies. I will say that the cover system isn't as tight as what you find in a top of the line shooter; you can get stuck on infamous invisible object. All of the bugs notwithstanding, Mass Effect works good as a shooter but what really shines it on is the tech and biotic powers you use in combat. When you create your character, you don't just select a gender and customize your appearance. You can also choose from one of six different classes that make out your abilities you can use in combat.
From a role-playing point of view; you might say Mass Effect is stripped or somewhat shallow. The traditional inventory is all gone, you select a weapons you want when you go on a mission or from a weapons locker. You can buy different weapons and armor upgrades, they are sent to the Normandy science station, where you then apply them how you see fit. To change armor; you go to your personal quarters. Character development is kinda light for the RPG genre. I put in over 40hrs and didn't even make it to level 30. Maybe I suck but I'm just saying. The game is not as deep as a traditional role playing game. Cut and dry. That's the bad news; for my sake, I appreciated not having to go through tons of inventory screens. The game is solid nonetheless.
What didn't I like? There are a few technical glitches, frame rate inconsistencies are common. There is even the occasional bug that will cause you reload a previously saved game. Horrible, I know! But it is a meager stuff and not even worth really complaining about. None of the above should deter you from getting this game if you missed out on when it was only for the 360. The art design is as awesome as ever and the textures actually look richer on the PS3 than they do on Xbox 360. Just saying. I mean; it could have been a little better, more consistent. But this game shines like sun light! Awesome production values and solid entertainment! Much bigger than the laser fire and cool load outs they riddle the action scenes! It is an adventure that is beckoning you to jump on board. It doesn't care if you don't have a 360; give this baby a ride. Because even when it is over you'll still be thinking about what a thrill it was.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
New Prequel Comic Series Will Bridge Gab In Batman Arkham City

For the few gamers (and comic fans) that were living under a rock in 2009; Batman: Arkham Asylum earned a coveted spot in the Guinness World Record for the "Most Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game Ever." This upcoming May, you will be able to find out what happened between Batman: Arkham Asylum and it's very highly anticipated in BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY, a six-issue miniseries that bridges the gap between the two games. Dare I say a must read for the true Batman fans out there?! Get from under your rocks!!
You can read more details and find more info by clicking the link below.
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