Sunday, February 27, 2011
Finally, for the first time... Red Robin! What a treat!
Mean As Hell Rating: 10/10
One of the reasons why I can't do as many reviews as I should be doing is because I still have a regular job and I enjoy eating out from time to time. Recently (after much planning) I had the honor of going to a Red Robin over the weekend and I must say it was worth every delicious bite! "Yumm" is most defiantly the word! When most people hear the words gourmet or burger, they probably don't equate the two with each other. But I am here to tell you that if there was ever a match made in heaven it is at Red Robin. And it's not just the burgers that are enticing, there's a whole smorgasbord of hot favorites! For me there's the Towering Onion Rings, Whiskey River BBQ Chicken Sandwich, Classic Creamy Mac n Cheese, Grilled Chicken Alla Caprese, I could go on and on! Don't even get me started on Bottomless Steak Fries (you heard me)! There's a superb kids menu that is sure to satisfy the little ones and even a few dessert choices. I more or less kept it simple and went with the Bacon Cheeseburger and I was not disappointed. Hey, it was my first time so I decided to take it easy. Regardless of my safe choice of consumption; I really enjoyed Red Robin. The staff were very friendly, the atmosphere let nothing to be desired and the menu made me wish I had a "bottomless" stomach to suffice all that was offered. I will be back, count on it! On that note; I leave you with the proverbial send off... Yumm!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Killzone 3 Helghast Edition: Is it worth it?
What's going on fellow gamers?! Have you been enjoying Killzone 3? I'm sure a lot of you have, particularly the standard version. There are a few of us (myself included) that got the Helghast Edition and may be wondering if it was money well spent. Well, I speak for myself when I say that gaming is very expensive. For most games that get released you can expect to pay at least $60. Paying more than double that for a special edition may be asking for too much; I mean aren't we still in a recession?! Alas; there are some hardcore gamers out there (myself included) that can justify the said purchase as long as it is not a total piece of crap. For the little gamer fan inside it was worth it. Yet still I would recommend anyone to choose sparingly because it seems as if every publisher is on the special edition bandwagon. I mean sure they try to spruce it up by renaming it or not just calling it a special edition. inFAMOUS 2 has the "Hero" Edition, wow. Set to cost around $100. Duke Nukem Forever has the "Balls of Steel" Edition for a $100, I love it! Might actually get that one for the name alone... seriously, just do your homework people. No need to spend the extra cash if all you really care about is playing the game, special editions are really geared towards collectors. Game on!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Cool but Corny... Killzone 3 Helghast Edition: First Unboxing Video
What's up fellow gamers?! Happy Sunday! I hope your weekend has been awesome thus far! Anyways... are you ready for some Killzone 3?! I don't think you are but you better prove me wrong, because the game comes out this Tuesday (Feb 22, 2011) and it looks like tight work! To help you guys get prepared Guerrilla Games and Sony are giving us a cool Helghast Edition! I think I told you this before... whatever, it looks tight and if anyone knows me they know that I love worthwhile Special Editions! But hey don't take my word for it...
Inside the Killzone 3 Helghast Edition, you’ll find:
Get it while it's hot fellow gamers!
Inside the Killzone 3 Helghast Edition, you’ll find:
- Killzone 3 on Blu-ray Disc
- Exclusive art book featuring imagery from the Killzone universe
- Super Voucher, which provides:
- Killzone 3 soundtrack and PS3 Dynamic Theme
- Retro Map Pack featuring two of the most popular multiplayer maps from Killzone 2
- Double XP for the first 24 hours of multiplayer gameplay
- Full access to all weapons and abilities during the first 24 hours of multiplayer gameplay
- Authentic Helghast Helmet replica, which opens to reveal the art book, Super Voucher and Killzone 3 game.
- Exclusive Cloaking Helghast Marksman action figure by DC Unlimited, which is 6.5” tall with multiple articulation points. It won’t be sold at retail!
- Bonus video content giving you a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the game.
Get it while it's hot fellow gamers!
Friday, February 18, 2011
New Thor trailer shows a god that is more down to earth...
Ok I know I have not posted next to nothing about the new Thor movie (or anything movie related in awhile), but I am still pretty excited about how good this movie is shaping up to be. This new trailer just has me sweating in more anticipation! Check it!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Dead Island trailer will leave your jaw on the floor!
I remember when I first heard about Techland's Dead Island back in 2009; I didn't think much of it. I pretty much summed it up as another Left for Dead type game. And it didn't help that the game all but vanished from my radar. Silly me! The game now has an actual publishing partner in Deep Silver and an incredible trailer that will make you so psyched for it, you'll eat your own kin! Ok maybe not but it has to be seen with your own eyes. It could be one of the best trailers for any medium (games, movies, television etc) that I've seen this year so far!
IGN's was the one that released the details, so kudos to them. The details we have so far regarding the game is that Dead Island is a "first person zombie-slasher/action-RPG," set in the Royal Palms Resort in Papua New Guinea. Your only goal is to escape, and to kill a bunch of zombies along the way! Sound like a party to me!
The game is scheduled for 2011 release (yes!) PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Stay tuned for more news and enjoy the show! I did!
Mass Effect 2
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Bioware
# of Players: 1 player
Platforms: PS3
Genre: Action, Adventure, RPG
Release Date: January 18, 2011
ESERB: M-Mature (Blood, Drug Reference, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Violence)
Mean As Hell Rating
Rejoice PS3 owners! Good things come to those that wait! The best version of Mass Effect 2 is all yours! Ok maybe that was a little too fanboyish, but it goes without saying that not too many gamers saw this coming... especially 360 owners. It was released a year ago on the 360 and PC, now it is on the PS3 and improved to boot! Those gamers that only pay attention to the PS3 radar may be somewhat confused as to when the original Mass Effect came out and why you didn't get your sweaty palms on it. Fact is; it never came out on the PS3. The series first entry came "only" to the Xbox 360 and the PC. And since Microsoft published the game, PS3 owners will never see it on their console. That's the bad news; good news is that Mass Effect 2 is on the PS3 and it is bigger and better than it's predecessor in every way.
I know how you guys feel; it's the 2nd entry to series and you're just jumping on, almost like walking into a movie mid reel. But let me tell you this; Bioware has more than delivered on their end. They have given us an awesome package that makes you forget about skipping the first title. It is also worth mentioning that the original Mass Effect is a totally different game next to Mass Effect 2, so in gameplay terms you're getting a richer experience right off the bat. And while Mass Effect 2 is a story driven medium directly related to the original title, you get a much needed recap of prior events. It is an interactive comic that explains the story of the first game and lets you make choices that will affect your playthrough of the sequel. Add that with fact that Mass Effect 2 on the PS3 comes with a load of DLC extras and even an enhanced game engine and it is pretty clear that: Mass Effect 2 on the Playstation 3 is best most complete version of the game yet! I will say however that it is in your best interest to purchase this game new to get the unique DLC content because it is'nt on the disc. Buy it used if you want, but be ready to pony up $15 for the DLC. The good news is that the DLC includes other content that was released for the 360 and PC.
When Mass Effect 2 starts, it's as serious as a heart attack. You get to watch the destruction of your ship and the apparent demise of Shepard. And just as you start to get used to all the death and destruction the interactive comic book I was talking about earlier kicks in. It is very colorful too I might add. I'm sure no one could think of a better way to explain what came before (short of playing Mass Effect), but it is not a complete document of events that transpired in Mass Effect. Basically what I'm saying is; when the time comes for you (as Shepard) to make those tough life or death decisions that you have to make in Mass Effect, you really don't have substantial enough information. But hey, if you want the full experience; go play Mass Effect!
What about the story you say? Let me put it this way; the story is like Arnold Schwarzenegger in his body building days... on steroids! It was the focal point of the original and is like butter in the sequel! You have good/evil split going for character development, the conversations have extra spice and it actually gets better as you progress in the game. In this game; you are Shepard. You own him! I know it sounds like slavery but in the game it works beautifully. You're the captain! You have some tough decisions to make! Don't worry, chances are you'll like the end result. Case in point; during a cut scene there will be a prompt to pull a trigger for Paragon (good) or Renegade (evil) action appears at the bottom of the screen. If you activate it you'll see a dramatic sequence, like punching someone or kicking them out of a ship for not having their ticket. Just kidding bout the last part; but it is awesome to have the options for actions that push the game beyond that standard RPG fare.
Mass Effect 2 seems to be the end result of different genres artfully thrown into a bowl. On one note it's a third person shooter, on the other it's an RPG with sandbox sensibilities. I personally liked the battles. they played out as a typical cover based shooter. You can slide into cover nice and smooth, as is popping in and out to take shots at your variety of enemies. I will say that the cover system isn't as tight as what you find in a top of the line shooter; you can get stuck on infamous invisible object. All of the bugs notwithstanding, Mass Effect works good as a shooter but what really shines it on is the tech and biotic powers you use in combat. When you create your character, you don't just select a gender and customize your appearance. You can also choose from one of six different classes that make out your abilities you can use in combat.
From a role-playing point of view; you might say Mass Effect is stripped or somewhat shallow. The traditional inventory is all gone, you select a weapons you want when you go on a mission or from a weapons locker. You can buy different weapons and armor upgrades, they are sent to the Normandy science station, where you then apply them how you see fit. To change armor; you go to your personal quarters. Character development is kinda light for the RPG genre. I put in over 40hrs and didn't even make it to level 30. Maybe I suck but I'm just saying. The game is not as deep as a traditional role playing game. Cut and dry. That's the bad news; for my sake, I appreciated not having to go through tons of inventory screens. The game is solid nonetheless.
What didn't I like? There are a few technical glitches, frame rate inconsistencies are common. There is even the occasional bug that will cause you reload a previously saved game. Horrible, I know! But it is a meager stuff and not even worth really complaining about. None of the above should deter you from getting this game if you missed out on when it was only for the 360. The art design is as awesome as ever and the textures actually look richer on the PS3 than they do on Xbox 360. Just saying. I mean; it could have been a little better, more consistent. But this game shines like sun light! Awesome production values and solid entertainment! Much bigger than the laser fire and cool load outs they riddle the action scenes! It is an adventure that is beckoning you to jump on board. It doesn't care if you don't have a 360; give this baby a ride. Because even when it is over you'll still be thinking about what a thrill it was.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
New Prequel Comic Series Will Bridge Gab In Batman Arkham City

For the few gamers (and comic fans) that were living under a rock in 2009; Batman: Arkham Asylum earned a coveted spot in the Guinness World Record for the "Most Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game Ever." This upcoming May, you will be able to find out what happened between Batman: Arkham Asylum and it's very highly anticipated in BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY, a six-issue miniseries that bridges the gap between the two games. Dare I say a must read for the true Batman fans out there?! Get from under your rocks!!
You can read more details and find more info by clicking the link below.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Awesome list of developers and publishers working on NGP projects
Hey guys! I finally got a list, an enormous list of developers and publishers currently working on games for this holiday's "next generation portable" device. Feast your eyes below!
- Acquire Corp.
- Alvion Inc.
- AQ Interactive Inc.
- Arc System Works Co. Ltd.
- Arika Co. Ltd.
- Artdink Corporation
- Ascii Media Works Inc.
- Capcom Co. Ltd.
- Chun Soft Co. Letd.
- Codemasters Software Company Limited
- Crafts & Meister Co. Ltd.
- CyberConnect2 Co. Ltd
- D3 Publisher Inc.
- Dimps Corporation
- Edia Co. Ltd.
- Enterbrain Inc.
- From Software Inc.
- Gameloft K.K.
- Genki Co. Ltd.
- Grasshopper Manufacture Inc.
- GungHo Online Entertainment Inc.
- Gust Co. Ltd.
- Hamster Corporation
- Hudson Soft Co. Ltd.
- Idea Factory Co. Ltd.
- Index Corporation (Atlus)
- Irem Software Engineering Inc.
- Kadokawa Games Ltd.
- Kadokawa Shoten Publishing Co. Ltd.
- Konami Digital Entertainment Co. Ltd.
- Level-5 Inc.
- Marvelous Entertainment Inc.
- Media5 Corporation
- Namco Bandai Games Inc.
- Nihon Falcom Corporation
- Nippon Ichi Software Inc.
- Nowproduction Co. Ltd.
- Q Entertainment Inc.
- Sega Corporation
- SNK Playmore Corporation
- Spike Co. Ltd.
- Square Enix Co. Ltd.
- SystemSoft Alpha Corp.
- Tecmo Koei Games Co. Ltd.
- TOMY Company Ltd.
- TOSE Co. Ltd.
- Ubisoft K.K.
- Yuke's Co. Ltd.
North America
- Activision Inc.
- Capybara Games
- Demiurge Studios
- Epic Games Inc.
- Far Sight Studios
- Frima
- High Voltage Software
- Kung Fu Factory
- Paramount Digital Entertainment
- PopCap Games
- Powerhead Games
- Trendy Entertainment
- Ubisoft
- Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
- 2K Games
- 2K Sports
- Avalanche Studios
- Climax Studios Ltd.
- Codemasters Software Company Ltd.
- Eurocom Developments Ltd.
- Eutechnyx Ltd.
- Exient Ltd.
- Firemint PTY Ltd.
- Gameloft SA
- Gusto Games Ltd.
- Home Entertainment Suppliers PTY Ltd.
- Impromptu Software Ltd.
- Rebellion
- Rockstar Games
- Sidhe Interactive
- Sumo Digital Ltd.
- Team 17 Software Ltd.
- Ubisoft Entertainment SA
- Zen Studios Ltd.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Sony Announces the Playstation NGP Release Date and New Titles!
The very first details about the release of the PSP follow-up, the PlayStation NGP, have traveled half-way around the world from Tokyo, straight into your brain. After weeks and months of speculation, Sony announced to a group of eager gamers that the PSPs successor, the NGP (short for "Next Generation Portable") will appear on store shelves during the holiday season of 2011.
Key NGP features:
- Multi-touch 5-inch organic light emitting display (OLED) as the front display
- Multi-touch pad on the rear of the device
- Dual analog sticks
- Two cameras (front and rear)
- Software titles on small, dedicated flash memory-based cards
- Three motion sensors, gyroscope, accelerometer and electronic compass
- Wi-Fi and 3G network connectivity
- PlayStation Network access, including ““LiveArea™”, “Near” and “Activity” log features Trophy Support
- NGP will be able to play PSP titles, minis, PS one classics, video and comics from the PlayStation Store.
Sony is referring to the new user-interface for the NGP as LiveArea which will support the PlayStation Store, Trophies, friends, web browers, messaging and serve as a launching pad for other applications. The "Near" program will use the internal GPS to track your location and movement to provide information on what gamers are playing in your area. Recognizable franchises heading for the new platform include LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted, Killzone, Resistance, Hot Shots Golf and WipEout. New titles include Little Deviants, Broken, Reality Fighters and Gravity Daze.
Now, the technical specs:
CPU | ARM® Cortex™-A9 core (4 core) | ||
GPU | SGX543MP4+ | ||
External Dimensions | Approx. 182.0 x 18.6 x 83.5mm (width x height x depth) (tentative, excludes largest projection) | ||
Screen (Touch screen) | 5 inches (16:9), 960 x 544, Approx. 16 million colors, OLED Multi touch screen (capacitive type) | ||
Rear touch pad | Multi touch pad (capacitive type) | ||
Cameras | Front camera, Rear camera | ||
Sound | Built-in stereo speakers Built-in microphone | ||
Sensors | Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer), Three-axis electronic compass | ||
Location | Built-in GPS Wi-Fi location service support | ||
Keys / Switches | PS button Power button Directional buttons (Up/Down/Right/Left) Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square) Shoulder buttons (Right/Left) Right stick, Left stick START button, SELECT button Volume buttons (+/-) | ||
Wireless communications | Mobile network connectivity (3G) IEEE 802.11b/g/n (n = 1×1) (Wi-Fi) (Infrastructure mode/Ad-hoc mode) Bluetooth® 2.1+EDR (A2DP/AVRCP/HSP) |
It is still early in the game; I understand if you have inquiries that are not addressed here.
Details such as release date, price, and more will be announced in due course. I will keep you updated to the best of my ability.
Full hardware gallery:
Friday, January 14, 2011
Sony Wants Hacker to Hand Over Jailbreak Tools!
Sony files lawsuit opposite GeoHot, the same user who helped to moment a iPhone, and several others, perfectionist that he spin over all a “computers, tough drives, CD-roms, DVDs, USB stick, and any other storage inclination on that any Circumvention Devices are stored in Defendant Hotz’s possession, control or control,” even yet a base pivotal has already been widely published around a Internet.
You might remember when it was reported how a user by a name of GeoHot, a same user who helped to moment a iPhone, had posted a base pivotal of a PlayStation 3 (PS3), thereby permitting users to play downloaded games directly on a gaming console.
The base pivotal is arrange of a holy grail of jailbreaking given it’s a signature that tells a equipment, in this box a PS3, that a program about to run is legitimate. With this in palm users could run tradition program or pirated games.
GeoHot, aka George Hotz, already published a keys and even done a video of his exploits, though Sony seems to consider it can put a self-evident genie behind in a bottle. It’s filed a lawsuit opposite him and several others it thinks might be concerned perfectionist he palm over all a “computers, tough drives, CD-roms, DVDs, USB stick, and any other storage inclination on that any Circumvention Devices are stored in Defendant Hotz’s possession, control or control.”
Sony believes that Hotz and his cohorts disregarded a Digital Millennium Copyright given they bypassed Sony’s technological insurance measures for a PS3, and afterwards distributed “illegal Circumvention Devices” – i.e. a base key.
“Working away and in unison with one another, Defendants recently bypassed effective technological insurance measures (‘TPMs’) employed by plaintiff Sony Computer Entertainment America LLP (‘SCEA’) in a exclusive PlayStation®3 mechanism party complement (‘PS3 System’),” reads a lawsuit. “Through a Internet, Defendants are distributing software, collection and instructions (collectively, ‘Circumvention Devices’) that by-pass a TPMs in a PS3 System and promote a counterfeiting of video games.”
The DMCA forbids a chairman who is not a certified copyright owners from circumventing calm insurance methods put in place by a copyright owner.
It is bootleg to “circumvent a technological magnitude means to descramble a scrambled work, to decrypt an encrypted work, or differently to avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or deteriorate a technological measure, but the
authority of a copyright owner.” It’s also bootleg to discharge a collection that promote a ability do any of a above.
It’s humorous given GeoHot was a one who managed to jailbreak a iPhone, and a Librarian of Congress during a US Copyright Office even personal it as a non-infringing activity during a many new examination of amendments to a DMCA
But, there’s no such fitness this time around, and it’ll be a while before a US Copyright Office can extend an grant for jailbreaking gaming consoles if it decides to do so. The law usually requires that a Librarian of Congress considers if consumers are “adversely affected” by a breach of “their ability to make noninfringing uses…of a sold category of copyrighted works’’ once each 3 years. The many new was final July.
Congress chose to emanate a examination as a “fail-safe mechanism” to guard a outcome that anti-circumvention supplies were carrying on consumers.
Either way, it’s extraordinary as to what Sony expects a outcome of a box to be. Lawsuits are dictated to possibly offer as warnings to others or a liberation of damages, and given it’s doubtful to see most in a approach of indemnification from a immature defendants in a case, it has to be a former.
In possibly box a base keys have already been published and there’s no approach to remove that. All it unequivocally does is infer that Sony is as away from existence as ever. It is, after all, a same outfit behind a barbarous rootkit DRM fiasco.
Stay tuned.
You might remember when it was reported how a user by a name of GeoHot, a same user who helped to moment a iPhone, had posted a base pivotal of a PlayStation 3 (PS3), thereby permitting users to play downloaded games directly on a gaming console.
The base pivotal is arrange of a holy grail of jailbreaking given it’s a signature that tells a equipment, in this box a PS3, that a program about to run is legitimate. With this in palm users could run tradition program or pirated games.
GeoHot, aka George Hotz, already published a keys and even done a video of his exploits, though Sony seems to consider it can put a self-evident genie behind in a bottle. It’s filed a lawsuit opposite him and several others it thinks might be concerned perfectionist he palm over all a “computers, tough drives, CD-roms, DVDs, USB stick, and any other storage inclination on that any Circumvention Devices are stored in Defendant Hotz’s possession, control or control.”
Sony believes that Hotz and his cohorts disregarded a Digital Millennium Copyright given they bypassed Sony’s technological insurance measures for a PS3, and afterwards distributed “illegal Circumvention Devices” – i.e. a base key.
“Working away and in unison with one another, Defendants recently bypassed effective technological insurance measures (‘TPMs’) employed by plaintiff Sony Computer Entertainment America LLP (‘SCEA’) in a exclusive PlayStation®3 mechanism party complement (‘PS3 System’),” reads a lawsuit. “Through a Internet, Defendants are distributing software, collection and instructions (collectively, ‘Circumvention Devices’) that by-pass a TPMs in a PS3 System and promote a counterfeiting of video games.”
The DMCA forbids a chairman who is not a certified copyright owners from circumventing calm insurance methods put in place by a copyright owner.
It is bootleg to “circumvent a technological magnitude means to descramble a scrambled work, to decrypt an encrypted work, or differently to avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or deteriorate a technological measure, but the
authority of a copyright owner.” It’s also bootleg to discharge a collection that promote a ability do any of a above.
It’s humorous given GeoHot was a one who managed to jailbreak a iPhone, and a Librarian of Congress during a US Copyright Office even personal it as a non-infringing activity during a many new examination of amendments to a DMCA
But, there’s no such fitness this time around, and it’ll be a while before a US Copyright Office can extend an grant for jailbreaking gaming consoles if it decides to do so. The law usually requires that a Librarian of Congress considers if consumers are “adversely affected” by a breach of “their ability to make noninfringing uses…of a sold category of copyrighted works’’ once each 3 years. The many new was final July.
Congress chose to emanate a examination as a “fail-safe mechanism” to guard a outcome that anti-circumvention supplies were carrying on consumers.
Either way, it’s extraordinary as to what Sony expects a outcome of a box to be. Lawsuits are dictated to possibly offer as warnings to others or a liberation of damages, and given it’s doubtful to see most in a approach of indemnification from a immature defendants in a case, it has to be a former.
In possibly box a base keys have already been published and there’s no approach to remove that. All it unequivocally does is infer that Sony is as away from existence as ever. It is, after all, a same outfit behind a barbarous rootkit DRM fiasco.
Stay tuned.
Killzone 3 is Gold!
You’ve waited patiently for 2 years, but now the time has come to return to Helghan along with Sev, Rico, Narville and the rest of the surviving ISA. Killzone 3 has officially gone gold, and will be coming to stores on February 22nd, 2011.
Picking up right where Killzone 2 left off, you return to the role of ISA Sgt. “Sev” Sevchenko. Beaten, bloody but not broken you and your fellow ISA veterans find yourself outnumbered and isolated following the events of Killzone 2. New enemies, new environments and new threats wait for you as the story for survival unfolds.
Add in 3D support including online, split-screen co-op campaign, and full PlayStation Move support including the new sharp shooter peripheral and it’s more to do than you can shake a stick at.
I've got two flavors of Killzone 3 for you on Feb 22nd. The standard edition and the hardcore Helghast Edition. The Helghast Edition includes the uber-cool Cloaking Helghast Marksman figure and the Helghast Helmet replica. It’s also replete with a super voucher including access to the Killzone 3 Soundtrack, dynamic theme, Retro Map Pack, and the whole slew of pre-order unlocks.
Speaking of pre-order unlocks, check them out in detail below, and find me online on February 22nd!
Looking forward to the mayhem and slaughter online, see you on 02.22.11 and while you wait, make sure to check out the awesomeness of the Killzone 3 Justice trailer again!
Pre-order Killzone 3 at one of the following participating retailers for an added bonus!
GameStop – Guerrilla Pack
Pre-order Killzone 3 and receive a GameStop Exclusive PSN code unlocking all multiplayer weapons and abilities for the first 24 hours of multiplayer gameplay. Also includes the Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack, featuring two of the most popular maps from Killzone 2.
Best Buy – Fast Starter Pack
Pre-order Killzone 3 and receive a BestBuy Exclusive PSN code allowing you to rank up faster, as you earn experience points at double the normal rate for the first 24 hours of multiplayer gameplay. Also includes the Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack, featuring two of the most popular maps from Killzone 2. – Unlock and Load Pack
Pre-order Killzone 3 and receive an Exclusive PSN code and get instant access to 3 Unlock Points to use on the weapon or ability of your choice and get the early edge in Killzone 3 Multiplayer. Also includes the Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack, featuring two of the most popular maps from Killzone 2.
All other participating retailers – Retro Pack
Pre-order Killzone 3 and receive an exclusive PSN code giving you the Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack, featuring two of the most popular maps from Killzone 2. Also receive an exclusive PlayStation 3 Dynamic Theme.
Picking up right where Killzone 2 left off, you return to the role of ISA Sgt. “Sev” Sevchenko. Beaten, bloody but not broken you and your fellow ISA veterans find yourself outnumbered and isolated following the events of Killzone 2. New enemies, new environments and new threats wait for you as the story for survival unfolds.
Add in 3D support including online, split-screen co-op campaign, and full PlayStation Move support including the new sharp shooter peripheral and it’s more to do than you can shake a stick at.
I've got two flavors of Killzone 3 for you on Feb 22nd. The standard edition and the hardcore Helghast Edition. The Helghast Edition includes the uber-cool Cloaking Helghast Marksman figure and the Helghast Helmet replica. It’s also replete with a super voucher including access to the Killzone 3 Soundtrack, dynamic theme, Retro Map Pack, and the whole slew of pre-order unlocks.
Speaking of pre-order unlocks, check them out in detail below, and find me online on February 22nd!
Looking forward to the mayhem and slaughter online, see you on 02.22.11 and while you wait, make sure to check out the awesomeness of the Killzone 3 Justice trailer again!
Pre-order Killzone 3 at one of the following participating retailers for an added bonus!
GameStop – Guerrilla Pack
Pre-order Killzone 3 and receive a GameStop Exclusive PSN code unlocking all multiplayer weapons and abilities for the first 24 hours of multiplayer gameplay. Also includes the Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack, featuring two of the most popular maps from Killzone 2.
Best Buy – Fast Starter Pack
Pre-order Killzone 3 and receive a BestBuy Exclusive PSN code allowing you to rank up faster, as you earn experience points at double the normal rate for the first 24 hours of multiplayer gameplay. Also includes the Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack, featuring two of the most popular maps from Killzone 2. – Unlock and Load Pack
Pre-order Killzone 3 and receive an Exclusive PSN code and get instant access to 3 Unlock Points to use on the weapon or ability of your choice and get the early edge in Killzone 3 Multiplayer. Also includes the Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack, featuring two of the most popular maps from Killzone 2.
All other participating retailers – Retro Pack
Pre-order Killzone 3 and receive an exclusive PSN code giving you the Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack, featuring two of the most popular maps from Killzone 2. Also receive an exclusive PlayStation 3 Dynamic Theme.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Mass Effect 2 on the PS3 to be Digital Download at launch!
Bad news for GameStop!
When Microsoft announced that they would be selling certain Xbox 360 games digitally through Xbox Live, it hinted at the writing on the wall for game retailers like GameStop. At a certain point, publishers would get closer and closer to releasing new games digitally right at launch, cutting out the retailer middleman. More evidence of the impending doom of video game retailers came today as BioWare announced that they would be releasing "Mass Effect 2" for PS3 both in stores and as a digital download over PSN. Both versions would be released right on launch day.
Granted, there's still a reason for people to buy video games in stores, and GameStop's successful holiday season sales attest to that. A digital download is limited in that it as no after-market value since it's locked to your account, whereas disc-based games can be sold back to stores or traded to friends.
But from a game-publisher's perspective, an all-digital future is great news. Think of the costs saved by not having to pay for shipping and packaging. Not to mention the fact that it curtails used game sales entirely, which has been a point of concern for major publishers like EA and THQ. The only groups in this equation that don't want things to go digital are the game retailers, whose business relies on people walking into their stores or ordering physical games online.
If you think it's insane to think that GameStop and its ilk might be gone in five years, think back to a little company called Blockbuster. With the popularity of on-demand video and Netflix, suddenly a brick-and-mortar rental place became obsolete. Video games appear to be on the same path.
Fallout New Vegas, God of War 3 Make Writers Guild Game Award Nominations
From Stephen Johnson of G4
The Writer's Guild of America West, that union of entertainment writers, has revealed its nominees for outstanding achievement in videogame writing in 2010.
The Guild's goal is to "promote storytelling excellence in videogames, improve the status of gaming writers, and encourage uniform standards within the gaming industry." Laudable goals. Sadly, the only wirters eligible for the title are those who "have applied to become members of the WGA’s Videogame Writers Caucus at the time scripts were submitted. Work that was not produced under WGA jurisdiction was also eligible for submission." That means, not everyone. But still, the nominees are under the "Read More" tag.
- Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Story by Patrice Desilets, Jeffrey Yohalem, Corey May; Lead Script Writer: Jeffrey Yohalem; Script Writers: Ethan Petty, Nicholas Grimwood, Matt Turner; Ubisoft
- Fallout: New Vegas, Creative Design Lead/Lead Writer: John Gonzalez; Writers: Chris Avellone, Eric Fenstermaker, Travis Stout; Additional Writing: Tess Treadwell, George Ziets, Jason Bergman, Nick Breckon, Matt Grandstaff, Will Noble, Andrew Scharf; Bethesda Softworks
- God of War III, Written by Marianne Krawcyzk; Additional Writing by Stig Asmussen, Ariel Lawrence, William Weissbaum; Sony Computer Entertainment
- Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (Wii), Writer: Benjamin McCaw; Story Dialogue Editor: Marianne Krawczyk; Ubisoft
- Singularity, Written by Marc Guggenheim, Lindsey Allen, Emily Silver; Additional Story and Writing: Jason Henderson, Adam Foshko, Michael Cassutt; Story and Script Consultant: Adam Foshko; Activision
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Executive Producer-Writer: Haden Blackman; In-Game Script: David Collins, John Stafford, Cameron Suey; Additional Writing: Tid Cooney, Ian Dominguez, Tony Rowe; LucasArts
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Five Things You Need to Know About the Verizon iPhone
Yesterday, Verizon formally announced that the iPhone 4 would be available on their nationwide network starting on February 10, with pre-orders beginning on February 3. Naturally, the nation's downtrodden AT&T subscribers and Verizon iPhone holdouts wept collectively. Despite the excitement for the new network availability of the iPhone, there are a few things you should know before you set up a tent outside of your local Verizon store.
Beyond competitive claims over which is speedier or more reliable, what really separates AT&T and Verizon is the technology used by their networks. AT&T utilizes a format known as GSM, whereas Verizon's network runs on CDMA. The difference results in a few remarkable differences in user experience, one of which is that you can't transfer service by simply popping out your SIM card -- CDMA devices don't use SIM cards -- and the other is that CDMA networks cannot access data while making voice calls.

If you're familiar with AT&T's versions of the iPhone, the ability to surf the web, check email, or even download music while on a phone call has been a standard feature since day one. This is not the case for the Verizon iPhone 4.
It seems the loss of this ability is simply a tradeoff AT&T or other GSM network converts will simply have to deal with.
While this morning's press conference was light on details outside of the release date for the new Verizon-enabled iPhone 4, it was revealed that the device will also support mobile hotspot technology, a first for iPhone devices.
If you're unfamiliar, mobile hotspots allow users to turn incoming wireless connections into usable Wi-Fi for up to five different devices, such as laptops, game consoles, and more.
Specific information regarding the iPhone 4's mobile hotspot function was not released, though reports from Engadget and others suggest that the feature is implemented via iOS 4.2.5 and could be released via a software update for AT&T devices as well.
While Verizon has certainly been the most frequently demanded carrier for iPhone support, it isn't taking on any exclusivity arrangements over other providers. During today's press conference, Apple COO Tim Cook stated that Verizon's deal with Apple is a multi-year, non-exclusive contract.
In other words, it could be open season for new iPhone carriers. While we expect Verizon and AT&T to remain the primary carriers of the iPhone for the better part of 2011, or perhaps the rest of the year, it is possible that T-Mobile and Sprint could get in on the action at some point. Despite Sprint's heavy Android focus, multi-carrier support means big money for all parties concerned.
In the weeks preceding today's event, rumors began to circulate that the Verizon iPhone 4 would be compatible with the company's 4G LTE network. This is not the case. While it is entirely possible that the iPhone 5 will support next generation wireless connectivity, the current iteration being offered by Verizon will not.
Every year for the last four years, Apple has introduced a new iPhone in June or July, and this year will be no exception, so prospective Verizon subscribers beware. If you're going to jump ship from your current provider for the Verizon iPhone 4, know that you'll be the proud owner of a new 2-year contract and an outdated smartphone in six months or less. While that may not be a problem for some, if you want to buy the latest iPhone when it comes out later this year, it is going to cost you.
Picking up the iPhone 4 on Verizon will require a new or extended 2-year contract, or subscribers to pay the full hardware price of $399 and $499 for the 16GB and 32GB variations. In most cases, consumers will opt for the 2-year contract instead of paying top dollar for the hardware. Under the terms of Verizon's upgrade policies, most customers can upgrade to a new device after a year and reap the benefits of reduced hardware costs, but as a result will enroll in another 2-year service agreement. But if you are not eligible for an upgrade or a new subscriber when the new device is introduced, you're going to have to pay top-dollar for it.
Long story short: if you're going to pick up a Verizon iPhone 4 on February 10 with a 2-year contract, be prepared to pay the full retail price for the new iPhone in June or July.
1. You Can't Talk and Surf
Beyond competitive claims over which is speedier or more reliable, what really separates AT&T and Verizon is the technology used by their networks. AT&T utilizes a format known as GSM, whereas Verizon's network runs on CDMA. The difference results in a few remarkable differences in user experience, one of which is that you can't transfer service by simply popping out your SIM card -- CDMA devices don't use SIM cards -- and the other is that CDMA networks cannot access data while making voice calls.
If you're familiar with AT&T's versions of the iPhone, the ability to surf the web, check email, or even download music while on a phone call has been a standard feature since day one. This is not the case for the Verizon iPhone 4.
It seems the loss of this ability is simply a tradeoff AT&T or other GSM network converts will simply have to deal with.
2. It Can Serve as a Mobile Hotspot
While this morning's press conference was light on details outside of the release date for the new Verizon-enabled iPhone 4, it was revealed that the device will also support mobile hotspot technology, a first for iPhone devices.
If you're unfamiliar, mobile hotspots allow users to turn incoming wireless connections into usable Wi-Fi for up to five different devices, such as laptops, game consoles, and more.
Specific information regarding the iPhone 4's mobile hotspot function was not released, though reports from Engadget and others suggest that the feature is implemented via iOS 4.2.5 and could be released via a software update for AT&T devices as well.
3. It Isn't Verizon-Exclusive
While Verizon has certainly been the most frequently demanded carrier for iPhone support, it isn't taking on any exclusivity arrangements over other providers. During today's press conference, Apple COO Tim Cook stated that Verizon's deal with Apple is a multi-year, non-exclusive contract.
In other words, it could be open season for new iPhone carriers. While we expect Verizon and AT&T to remain the primary carriers of the iPhone for the better part of 2011, or perhaps the rest of the year, it is possible that T-Mobile and Sprint could get in on the action at some point. Despite Sprint's heavy Android focus, multi-carrier support means big money for all parties concerned.
4. It Isn't 4G
In the weeks preceding today's event, rumors began to circulate that the Verizon iPhone 4 would be compatible with the company's 4G LTE network. This is not the case. While it is entirely possible that the iPhone 5 will support next generation wireless connectivity, the current iteration being offered by Verizon will not.
5. It'll Be Outdated in Six Months
Every year for the last four years, Apple has introduced a new iPhone in June or July, and this year will be no exception, so prospective Verizon subscribers beware. If you're going to jump ship from your current provider for the Verizon iPhone 4, know that you'll be the proud owner of a new 2-year contract and an outdated smartphone in six months or less. While that may not be a problem for some, if you want to buy the latest iPhone when it comes out later this year, it is going to cost you.
Picking up the iPhone 4 on Verizon will require a new or extended 2-year contract, or subscribers to pay the full hardware price of $399 and $499 for the 16GB and 32GB variations. In most cases, consumers will opt for the 2-year contract instead of paying top dollar for the hardware. Under the terms of Verizon's upgrade policies, most customers can upgrade to a new device after a year and reap the benefits of reduced hardware costs, but as a result will enroll in another 2-year service agreement. But if you are not eligible for an upgrade or a new subscriber when the new device is introduced, you're going to have to pay top-dollar for it.
Long story short: if you're going to pick up a Verizon iPhone 4 on February 10 with a 2-year contract, be prepared to pay the full retail price for the new iPhone in June or July.
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